Lets Talk Fashion with Dylan and Lee

Find out who we are and what are future travel, fitness, and fashion plans are

Dylan and Lee Season 1 Episode 4

Lets Talk Fashion with Dylan & Lee (EP 04)

Find out who Dylan and Lee are with a little about our personal lives and future endeavors. Be encouraged tonight as we go in depth about our mindsets and why we are passionate about our careers.

If you want to see us Live be sure to catch us on Instagram live every Thursday at 9:30pm EST
@y.lee.y @dylan_2_8_24

All previous video recordings are on Instagram as well.

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@international lee



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Unknown Speaker  0:00  
You got on Yo, let me see.

Unknown Speaker  0:03  
Yeah, that's funny. With real code today Oh, here I should award so I know

Unknown Speaker  0:10  
the gym I was like, Whoa, okay. That's how we kick in.

Unknown Speaker  0:15  
We come in here, and that's great. I'm here.

Unknown Speaker  0:21  
Yeah. Alana's a little funny though I know they'll go back to being like super hot and then switch back up on us

Unknown Speaker  0:29  
right Ohio's just bipolar. Same

Unknown Speaker  0:34  

Unknown Speaker  0:36  
Cold hot cold hot freezing

Unknown Speaker  0:40  
people get sick but Hello Hello everyone what's up My name is Lee I am the world traveling fitness coach and stylist

Unknown Speaker  0:52  
and I'm Dylan your hair stylists makeup artists and witch consultant all the above all things fashion I'm here for it. Hey

Unknown Speaker  1:02  
the fashion sister. Okay, real life isn't in the blood honey is in the blood.

Unknown Speaker  1:09  
And that's how pure you

Unknown Speaker  1:14  
okay look I got water tonight

Unknown Speaker  1:18  
that's okay I had a long day so

Unknown Speaker  1:25  
good Ah huh hi welcome in everyone. Hello

Unknown Speaker  1:32  
yeah let's see so new people I'm excited we look alike let's the ball Hey,

Unknown Speaker  1:38  
it's gotta be you think we look alike? I don't know we don't see no we're not twins but we're not we're definitely that

Unknown Speaker  1:47  
we're 10 years apart actually. So

Unknown Speaker  1:49  

Unknown Speaker  1:51  
I mean a decade

Unknown Speaker  1:52  
older honey no that's my big sis I don't know we don't see it but you know, I think she's beautiful so I'll take that as a compliment Yeah, but tonight we're gonna go over we definitely want to talk about the Emmys I think this was a recovery moment for fashion stylist who's the oh sorry let me stop he's a who's the oldest doing

Unknown Speaker  2:29  
don't ask my age either.

Unknown Speaker  2:33  
Yeah, she's the oldest but coming from last week when we were discussing you know the Met Gala and how they made all the wrong decisions on the hour of Yes,

Unknown Speaker  2:47  

Unknown Speaker  2:49  
talking about it after our live I sent her Kim Kardashian like she wasn't even memorable like

Unknown Speaker  2:57  
No, no. One statement

Unknown Speaker  2:59  
was that because she couldn't be representing for us so

Unknown Speaker  3:02  
what was the statement? That was something else girl knows. I don't know. Why exactly why kind of like just skip the combo like Okay, um, but we had some nice moments and I think it was very appropriate very classy at the Emmys and so I it was a good good look as far as some of the stylists to especially Meghan the stallion stylists I think she recovered from Mega Sally's outfit. She died Michaela in that Christopher Rogers outfit and it was given honey her skin against that it was like a yellow greenish color

Unknown Speaker  3:47  
green Yes, it

Unknown Speaker  3:48  
was so beautiful. Yeah, yes, we got to a black Silas black designer and this lady women winning her Emmys I mean it was so dope to see that was beautiful. Kerry Washington. Oh no, that was a beautiful moment very classy very appropriate. I think what happened with the Met Gala is just the innovation in stylish choosing the right designers to have their artisan or their actress in or you know it just the correct

Unknown Speaker  4:19  
correct image or apparel corral and again let's blame it on last minute we just don't blame it on last minute and we're gonna do this that's what we're gonna do

Unknown Speaker  4:29  
cuz Yeah, the Emmys You know, it was simpler. You got your red carpet, you know? Yeah, but I've made some pop some pops of color.

Unknown Speaker  4:38  
You know that neon green edge that that Buddha, the bright blues like I seen the pops and I appreciate I appreciate that. I love that. It's always go back to the basics, the gold and the blacks and the reds. But I like to see that pop of color.

Unknown Speaker  4:56  
Yeah. Hey, you

Unknown Speaker  5:00  
Nice to see family in a building

Unknown Speaker  5:03  
okay we're gonna see you so don't be up in Ohio soon real soon. So um, but yeah,

Unknown Speaker  5:09  
I have no excuse

Unknown Speaker  5:12  
Oh yeah. Oh, but yeah, I mean beautiful. I will say Karen Carolina her rare era I was missing I'm sorry but the red rose from the Met Gala we didn't touch on her look that she had a heart hurt actress in but it was just a beautiful moment given red rose American that was one of my favorites but she also styled another person for the Emmys and it was given um Sarah it fits her actress personality because she's done like the horror movies stuff like that Sara Polson. But that dress itself just classic classic dress but it looked very well on the red carpet and that was a moment but

Unknown Speaker  6:08  
there's just a lot of it was a lot of hits a lot of it yeah and it was much appreciated and from from female to male, it was just a lot of hits.

Unknown Speaker  6:18  
Yeah, I'm speaking of I saw a gentleman Dan levy the one in the blue the blue I'm here for like the design aspect of how lean it was you know it was all together and

Unknown Speaker  6:36  
somebody was so different It wasn't your typical suit I love the the the stopping or the separation at the I want to say the belly but you know saying like the separation there as far as there's still a soup but something going on right in that area some some dissimilar was supposed to beat stayed you know as far as the separation so I appreciate that

Unknown Speaker  6:59  
right it does give me an Asian vibe Asian touch to it inspiration wise like a Come on our

Unknown Speaker  7:08  

Unknown Speaker  7:10  
yeah just yeah a little bit of touch of that and that is very very nice very clean and if you actually look at some of the other stuff he you know even on the Met Gala red carpet we didn't speak about him but he had like this world outfit situation going on and yeah so the world within the suit yeah okay he was so on point he just didn't get you know much attention recognition, recognition from it.

Unknown Speaker  7:38  
Well, let me interrupt I must say that's your brows honey. My bras are just amazing. The bra I want to make me want to do my eyebrows like that.

Unknown Speaker  7:48  
They really come through your makeup

Unknown Speaker  7:51  
is beautiful yes you look good I just I just had to interject really fast

Unknown Speaker  7:56  
Oh appreciate it I was like this can be I'm just I like the smoky I keep going back so much Yeah, yeah. Yeah, but I like

Unknown Speaker  8:05  
how you did the Browns outside of that. I love that. Yeah, it looks really good. I want your bra. I really do but I'm not gonna like you I'm not doing She's literally had me plucking off her ends to create these brows I can't do it. I ready

Unknown Speaker  8:27  
it was almost gone there was really I was

Unknown Speaker  8:30  
like so what do we do now we just go we just gonna build a brown

Unknown Speaker  8:35  
brown brown right

Unknown Speaker  8:39  
no sorry No,

Unknown Speaker  8:42  
it's okay I was feeling we didn't even touch on our outfits but I was feeling pumpkin spice you know everything nice and

Unknown Speaker  8:51  
it's exactly I spent the summer like a lot takes

Unknown Speaker  8:58  
Pfizer but um, but yeah, I mean, so Yara is another one a hard thing is very clean classy so she wore she was found in the green this time you know i was i would like to see her not look so older but it's you know some more mature look but it is her personality so it works is definitely much better than the Met Gala look she had so I was that.

Unknown Speaker  9:32  
Yeah, yeah. Overall, very good. Very good. So before we go into our next segment, I did want to shout out Ashley strong. Um, she just came out with the new Morphe palette. I'm actually wearing that on my eyes today. Oh, and I really love her.

Unknown Speaker  9:51  
Look how beautiful that is. Yes, those Oh, that green in that pumpkin color.

Unknown Speaker  9:56  
Oh, right. So I follow her on Instagram. And I just love her because even though she won like a TV show excuse me she's come out with new stuff and Morphe that is that alter go get it it's cheap This is 22 bucks and it's like amazing and her Keven leaves like a handwritten note on the box saying that she was actually a teen mom and now look at her you know what this is the testimony like never forget like you can always go after your dreams no matter what. roadblocks coming your way. Anyways, I love her because she is down to earth she responds to my, my, you know, I might like Yes, honey, she'll like it or say thank you. And you know, when people get big, they don't do that anymore. So I just appreciate her so I just wanted to go ahead and put that out there her colors are perfect. They blend well. There's no issues like you can use your finger you can use brushes. So yeah, Ashley. And I think on her Instagram is Stress Stress, Mir s t, r a s h, m e on Instagram.

Unknown Speaker  11:02  
Okay, okay. Hey, what's up? Welcome in. Thank you. So So her name is Ashley. Ashley. This is her collaborate. I

Unknown Speaker  11:15  
love her more than I should do more fun collab. Yeah. So I'm here for really representing for influencers representing for influencers and

Unknown Speaker  11:25  

Unknown Speaker  11:27  
I'm sorry, what happened?

Unknown Speaker  11:28  
You up next?

Unknown Speaker  11:30  
I mean, hey, you know, marking, you know, but honestly, even them as a brand by themselves, they create great products and very pigmented and they have brushes. Yeah. Morphe Murphy's it.

Unknown Speaker  11:44  
dope. Yeah, super dope, whatever. Yeah. That's cool. That's cool. But going into our next segment, we're going to be basically just discussing, like, you know, so you can let me know what you got going on Dylan? As far as what you see coming up.

Unknown Speaker  12:04  
I know, one of the things we were discussing is, and we say it all the time. It's just the fact that we're so far away from each other, and we have so many things we want to do together and that we can't get together. But this distance, though.

Unknown Speaker  12:19  
Yeah, for sure. So, if if y'all don't know, Lee is from Atlanta, I am from Los Angeles. Now I'm in Ohio. Don't Ask Don't ask okay. Just Just pray for me. While I'm here, I'll be going back to LA cuz my spirit, my soul my vibe. It's just, it's so LA. Like, this is not eight. But anyway, um, again, we're 10 years apart. So when she was younger, it was a no go, little sister. You're on my nerves Get away from me. My my sister was like, No, I'm not I want to be a part of your life in every situation. I don't care what you're doing. Oh, yeah. But it worked. It worked as we got older, because, you know, I had to learn being the big sister, you know, judgmental, you like holding her accountable for things and, and when the reality is I had to let her be her own person. And once I was able to let her be her own person, then we were able to be this close, like 10 years. could it mean any anything to us? You know, like, we are soul sisters, not just blood sisters. So with that being said, we have a plethora of siblings, and we're all spread out. And unfortunately, it's like if we were all together,

Unknown Speaker  13:43  

Unknown Speaker  13:45  
Right. I mean, I, but between, you know, our parents, our dad, you know, that is so we're all creatives, we all have different things that we could be contributing together. It's like we have pieces of ourselves, which is why that bought us that puzzle piece necklace. Because once we tap into working together and like really building I think it'd be really nice for us to you

Unknown Speaker  14:17  
know, I mean, all

Unknown Speaker  14:20  
of us are talented, not even being biased, like, all of us are talented, and his girls alone if we all came together. Oh my god. Right? Because we're all in some type of industry that has to do with beauty. Or, yeah, it's amazing.

Unknown Speaker  14:35  
fashion, beauty business and all that. Oh, that. Yeah. So and between fitness everybody has a touch of fitness as well. So what it'll happen, it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen one day, but that's one of the things that we as sisters like speak about, it's just between me and her specifically is just us wanting to do More together as far as image right we're both in you know we work well together week I can see that being a thing so I say in the future that is something you will definitely see is us doing more stuff together as far as like you know to lab whether whatever product it is

Unknown Speaker  15:21  
but it's not why we're doing this live because we is coming out of our bores like we had to get something out right so yeah, so this year we are

Unknown Speaker  15:29  
beginning this is only the beginning and it's gonna be more to come as far as what we have to offer to everyone on this journey

Unknown Speaker  15:40  
Yeah, it's like um

Unknown Speaker  15:45  
the fluidity that comes with our fluidness however you say it that comes with a vibe when you vibe with someone right? Right so it's easy like this live is easy because we just pick up off each other's vibe and we can do it in our sleep. So and then we're both passionate about fashion and hair and makeup like and one stronger in one area than the other but because of that we're able to bring this to you all and and for y'all to vibe off of it too. But it's just exciting it's I see great things happening you know for me it's just it's all about moving in my promise you know I'm saying not to be like not allowing fear to stop me from doing what I want to do. And if that means well, at least I did it when you don't try it that was the real failure isn't that you didn't try or that you tried and maybe you failed or maybe you wouldn't you wouldn't know unless you try. So for me who I am I am actually currently in school my goal is to open an image consulting firm everything I do I have a six year old son so everything I do is for him and his future so that image consulting firm will grow and eventually it'll be his or he can sell it in and monopolize off of it I'm also I want to eventually have my own salon and thirdly you know create product you know whether it's in fitness or fashion I want to create products so I'm actually in the works right now creating prototypes and things of that nature so that's where I'm at. My goal is to move back to California in a year and hopefully get Lee to come

Unknown Speaker  17:28  
Yes, yes.

Unknown Speaker  17:31  
So we can do some big big shit. Okay,

Unknown Speaker  17:35  
period is okay, so as for me, you know, California isn't far off I would definitely move to California in a heartbeat if you're there you know. Just because I definitely like the energy out there I can see you know, things happening and us being together and the energy there and having that support with you as well. would be dope. But that would definitely be after I finished my journey. okay cuz it's traveler, world traveling fitness coach and stylists and this is for a reason. I'm just I always had it on my heart to travel to see the world I am be most inspired. When I travel I feel a higher connection is just unexplainable. Which is why I'm such an advocate for people getting out there whether you have kids or not, you know, travel the world. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  18:37  
it's a different experience.

Unknown Speaker  18:38  
It's a completely different experience. It forces you to be out of your comfort zone. It forces you to get uncomfortable like just get uncomfortable in in, you know, make stuff happen experience new things. Get out of the box, have you know the four shrink? Sure you you're familiar with. So with that being said I in 2019 2019 was the time that's fine. It was

Unknown Speaker  19:12  
going into 20. Yeah, right, right before the pandemic decided to come, come.

Unknown Speaker  19:18  
Right. And I decided to pick up and go, and that's what I did. There was no turning back. Dylan as

Unknown Speaker  19:27  
you can see her journey on her YouTube. She has some of her videos on what's your YouTube

Unknown Speaker  19:33  
good, internationally, internationally,

Unknown Speaker  19:37  
and she has some good content on there from her travels and it's beautiful, like the whole nine yards, I need to go check it out for sure. Like, go check that out right now.

Unknown Speaker  19:49  
Live content that needs to go on there and I'm gonna get it on there. I'm gonna get it on there and determine all that content.

Unknown Speaker  19:59  
So Yeah Good

Unknown Speaker  20:02  
boy yeah so once I decided to get up and go Dylan was the reason why I told my parents right because I was like you know what?

Unknown Speaker  20:13  
She was gonna tell none of us y'all you know devastated

Unknown Speaker  20:19  
my heart I wouldn't have been able to follow through with that

Unknown Speaker  20:23  
least mentioned at least up make it do it out there like like it's nothing you know

Unknown Speaker  20:27  
it just would have been last more or last minute than what it was

Unknown Speaker  20:31  

Unknown Speaker  20:33  
maybe how it worked out so where did you go so once I left I decided to go to Southeast Asia I was still working if you're wondering about finances all that stuff I was still working still budgeting Southeast Asia is a great started place shout out to Reese he actually popped in popped out but he definitely you know I he was one of the first people I hit up like I just want to go and I'm just trying to figure out which destination is going to be best and all this other stuff so he said definitely because I wanted to do this for spiritual reasons as well was to hit Bali first. And now with Bali I am so in love with Bali I'm going back to Bali, I want to have property in Bali, all these other things and so it will happen. Okay, so Bali I worked my way up the way I travel specifically is that I spend time in these locations because I'm not just one of the vacation travelers where you go for a week you go for three days I stay for a month to really experience the culture is at least a month let me put it like that because I think I stayed in Bali longer just because I loved it but I did want to experience other different places. So after I went to Bali I've worked my way up to Why did all in Bali, different places went to the rice fields ended up in Malaysia and so while I was in Malaysia which is a foodie place I was in Penang had a great time that some great friends there um and was still fighting doing martial arts all of that getting inspiration for fashion so I am fitness and fashion as well so it's travel fitness fashion so while I'm in Malaysia I'm I'm fighting I'm doing my martial arts stuff getting training and then on top of that I'm just so inspired when I step out of you know where I'm staying my my my hotel and so from there I'm looking at the different fabrics I'm looking at how they're dressing the culture stuff like that the factories different stuff, I'm getting all this experience and I'm staying there I stayed there for a little while I worked my way up to Thailand explored all throughout Thailand met some really awesome friends in Thailand. I was in actually there in a camp martial arts camp and had a great time didn't want to leave the only reason I came back was because of the pandemic and because my mom was freaking out and we didn't know they put us on lockdown and said you know once you're stuck you're stuck the embassy was you know shut down it was it was to the point where they were putting everybody on lockdown there wasn't gonna be any flights out of Thailand so from there I'm like okay, well if I can find a flight within a reasonable amount then I'll I'll definitely head back to the US just during this time I don't know what's going on what's gonna happen all these things were going on. So I made my way back to California I found a cheap flight to California so it worked out and I was just like if they cancel it they cancel it I'm gonna stay my button Thailand because I wouldn't have been bothered by saying in Thailand because I was having a good time. Uh, but anyhow it worked out I went back to California I was with my sister I stayed out there for about a month and a half or so I can't remember is about a month month and a half and we basically just we had a good time we were creating we actually did some content while we was out there we had a good time even though we were all locked down it was just me and my sister and like me my sister and Bronx and we was just kicking it was a good time.

Unknown Speaker  24:28  
Sorry mom life I had to step out of town to my dad

Unknown Speaker  24:35  
Um, so you know, it came back full circle ended up you know, I think everything happens for a reason. So I got quality time with my sister I came back. multiple different things have happened since then. But I never gave up on the idea that I still want to finish out my last six months because that was a five to six month journey right there. But I want to finish My journey of my five to six months which it'll probably be six months to a year that's next time that I leave you know I'm just moving by spirit and so it's definitely so on my heart and I'll be heading back out whenever I feel led to do so. From there but definitely riding the wave because some things are happening here I have some people that are super excited to show you guys that I'm styling and some of these projects that I'm working on I'm super excited for that to come out as well. So I love that mama face that mama face knickers, your cello but I'm definitely I look forward for you guys to see these projects. Between styling and my fitness stuff. I have a couple programs getting ready to come out. So be on the lookout for that there will be a challenge. My company is called now me LLC and yeah, we've been around for a while I do virtual online training. Oh, and so you will see challenges, you will see a lot of encouragement that when it comes to the fitness journey, I always say it starts with your mindset. It literally starts with you making it up in your mind that you're going to do something and when you start to see change, you're gonna see the change coming out of your discipline and your persistency Yeah, no secret code to to it. All right, everybody wants to hear something different. But that is the truth when it comes to fitness is gonna take your willpower, your discipline and your consistency to reach your goals. So I want to tell you that now because there is no Quick Fit because no secret take you right around the corner back to where you started. All right. There's no secret there's there's no status but obviously consistency and there is no other way of getting around it because right

Unknown Speaker  27:11  
and your body will tell you your body will tell you we are not being consistent. We are not doing what you're supposed to do when you're eating bad. You're gonna see it it's just inevitable. It's all Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  27:21  
exactly. And so with fitness um you know fashion is right there because of the fact that it all deals with how we feel internally All right, well feel how you feel when I speak about style when I speak to my clients about what they're wearing it right down to your confidence and how you feel right your physical and how you see yourself because it doesn't matter how I see you but it's how you see yourself and how you walk in style because the style is you at the end of the day. So right? How you put put yourself out there how you walk in your clothes, how you carry yourself is part of your style is part of your confidence that comes from a lot of the fitness work that you should be doing. Because this is mental, spiritual, emotional, like

Unknown Speaker  28:13  
is everything. All right, it literally produces endorphins, like you're literally a happier person when you work out. And as a woman you just feel sexy, you own the room. Whatever room you're in, you own it.

Unknown Speaker  28:29  
I had a client speaking of that. appealing sexy, okay. There was a meme going around talking about I think it was like a tick tock or something. And it was saying Why do you workout and they were doing push ups. I work out they have things to look I have a sex I work every client send me that

Unknown Speaker  28:55  
no I made the comment. The sexier I am the more I'm about to back that thing. The sexy I am the the further my legs go back. Here I am free I am like

Unknown Speaker  29:10  
when you went on me you feel good you lights on lights

Unknown Speaker  29:18  
when you don't feel good

Unknown Speaker  29:21  
in their shadows. Keep your shirt on.

Unknown Speaker  29:29  
Keep this lingerie on. Door this way. And this is the backpack going that way. No.

Unknown Speaker  29:41  
When you feel good you be backing it up put it to the side she lets the grass building. Besides that, it's just you feel good. It makes you go like it's an energy like working out is working out and eating. Just having a healthy lifestyle is so important nowadays. As you get older as I'm getting older, because I'm old as in my opinion, I got to work out, if I don't work out, I can eat good and still gain my weight. Because I'm not working out, you got to,

Unknown Speaker  30:18  
you got to move she says bags rule says, you know it's up to you Do you know even if your journey isn't about you know, and I have I have clients and I appreciate them and I commend them, because it's not necessarily just all about the physicals is I don't have the, it's coming to the realization I don't have the motivation to keep myself accountable, just to go work out and and not be for like a physical transformation. But I am doing this for my health. So I'm gonna hire somebody to hold me accountable to make sure that I take care of that part of myself that way, I don't have to think about it, which is why I commend them because that is a part of the journey, it's coming to the realization of who you are. And if you're comfortable with yourself and saying, okay, I still need to get up and move I still need to work out I still need to make sure I'm strong, I still need to make sure my mobility, my flexibility, like that part. Because that's at the end of the day you say well, yes, sex is better, yes. Okay, your mental is better, you're clear, you're happier at work, you know, I'm saying are we gonna deny the fact that sex is good for you know, your daily living like, it's true, it's true.

Unknown Speaker  31:39  
So make me happy thinking about it.

Unknown Speaker  31:49  
But, but you know, at the end of the day, fitness, fashion and travel is what I do, because they all coincide, they come together,

Unknown Speaker  32:00  

Unknown Speaker  32:03  
But they all come together. And so that is why I'm very passionate about each of them, because they are all a part of me and all have been a part of my journey. And so that is why I'm able to cater to each piece of that and make it work. all my stuff is online. It was online actually before COVID because I always knew I was going to be world traveling so it kind of actually just came together. Be on the lookout for some now nice stuff. If you need to clean out your closet. We're going into fall. All right, y'all hit me up before I leave to go out into the country to clean your closet. I will come and be that person. Now I keep it 100 if it was ugly, you got to go. It was obviously it's gotta go. Gotta go man. They gotta go Let it go. For new let it go. Okay, so hit me up. If you guys if you're in Atlanta, in local area, or if you plan on flying me out. Look, fly me out.

Unknown Speaker  33:05  
Want to get flown out, y'all flew out.

Unknown Speaker  33:10  
I'll come clean your closet, do all that we got a fitness session, whatever. All right. So that's where I'm at with it. That's that's that's what's, what's up with me? All right.

Unknown Speaker  33:23  
So what was your travels looking like?

Unknown Speaker  33:25  
So future habia Africa. I'll be in Africa girl making my way around Africa. So I went to South Africa, my my, my friend, he will be exciting to see Dave tell him that. But South Africa is where I first went to I was in Cape Town. I had a good time. I didn't make it to Johannesburg. So I would like to experience that at some point. But I actually I didn't mention this. But when I started my travels, one of the things I did my ancestory 2021 in May or something like that. And I said I wanted to hit all those places and whatever place that I felt like connected to or whatever. I moved there. Yeah, that's what I had in my mind. And so I'm still gonna hit all the little places that are on there and one of them is Kenya and Nigeria. So I'll be heading over there. I'll be heading to Africa girl, and then I'll be making my way to Egypt, which I think you guys are supposed to be coming to Egypt. So we still got to make that work. You know, you look at Dubai. You remember? You don't remember talking to me about Dubai. Oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker  34:49  
Dubai, you say Egypt.

Unknown Speaker  34:51  
I know. I said making our way that way. Okay, by side

Unknown Speaker  34:56  
I do. Right now. I do here. regularly so I had a client from Egypt and she said that it's like the first place you should go before you visit anywhere. She say you should go to Egypt because that's where everything is. And I'm saying like,

Unknown Speaker  35:11  
I would want Cairo, Cairo. Yeah, they have a big museum. I think some a few things over there, too. And then I gotta hit yeah.

Unknown Speaker  35:20  
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I would love I would love it. But Dubai, you know, somewhere else for me. I want to go to Bali too. But Dubai, baby. Yeah. Yeah. I want to wear like, a whole tire.

Unknown Speaker  35:37  
Sorry, go ahead. Oh,

Unknown Speaker  35:38  
I was like, what I see was written. Yeah, yeah, no, I just I just thought that's the right. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  35:46  
Yes. So um, yeah. So I'll be making my way

Unknown Speaker  35:52  
made my way down to

Unknown Speaker  35:57  
be okay. But one of the things too, is, as a woman, though, I have to look at the different places. And of course, we know that women traveling alone in certain places isn't like very safe or smart. So that's why it'll be specific places that family or whenever family meet, or we make these plans, I'll just plan to go over there when you guys are there and do it. For instance, Morocco, I wouldn't I definitely want to go to Morocco, but I haven't heard all good things about that. So we'll see. Well,

Unknown Speaker  36:36  
do you have any questions for us anything you want to know about us any inquiries? Anything? Right. Welcome, everyone that has joined. Coming in welcome. Um, we're just giving you an update on who we are and what our future endeavors are. And you know what our passions are. So that's pretty much what we're talking about our first half, we talked about the Emmys and how amazing it was and how great the stylists did, and they showed up for it. So that's what we talked about in the beginning, our first segment, I should say, Hello, our room. So yeah, if you have any questions chime in, but we're just really just giving y'all an update. You know? Yeah. I see a lot of new people. I love that. Exciting. So here's what I love about my drop backdrop, right. I love that I can use my clothes, you create different colored diamonds. Oh, today I did I literally have all my coats on my coat rack. But where I'm sitting you can see like majority of the Jean and have like some leathers but I just like that. I think it's I think it's very creative. And it's fun. I'm literally in my closet.

Unknown Speaker  37:55  
No, you got a whole green, green, Florida. You can't see it. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker  38:01  

Unknown Speaker  38:04  
Yeah. You know,

Unknown Speaker  38:09  
it's just exciting. It's exciting to be able to follow your dreams and to do what you love. If you don't know what your passion is, like, figure it out. I was blessed to have somebody asked me I was actually going to school to be a lawyer. And I was like this this shit. Oh, you know, like, I liked it, because I was doing poly psi or political science. And it was interesting that I was surprised that I liked it, right? But then, literally someone's like, oh, what's your passion? And not when I tell you it was like, bombs. And there's like schnoz, like, it's not long, you know, like, so I don't know if it is in all communities, but definitely in black community. Growing up it was you're either going to be a doctor or a lawyer in my era. That's it. That's what you were you were going to be. And I was like, Okay, well, fine. I'll be a doctor. No, I don't like blood. Alright, fine. I'll be a lawyer. So that's where I went to school for once I figured out my passion. It was like, this stuff I do in my sleep. It's almost like it's soul. I always I hashtag it's so fulfillment. It's so I literally fulfills my soul. I don't necessarily care for my job. But because I do what I love. It doesn't even matter. I'm just it's just me in here. It's me and my client, because I'm so passionate about it. So if you know what your passion is, go after that. Forget all that other stuff. You got to follow your passion because you'll never feel like you're working a day in your life. Right? But to do that, if you don't know figure it out, I promise you, you won't regret it. Like it's the best feeling ever to just love what you do. Right? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  39:46  
And it's definitely not always like an easy journey with that. Because you might have all the right intentions because I definitely had I had the intentions of being a lawyer as well. And then, you know, as far as gifts and talents and stuff like that, when that comes in, it's like, Okay, well, I'm good. Like, we're multifaceted, like period. And like in our family, there's so many different things we can do. And I still actually deal with that today. It's like I can do so many things, like I can literally be and do so many different things at different fields. So I think, you know, this is one of our discussions that we've had as well, it's just honing in as well, and figuring out what's going to be conducive with the lifestyle in the future that you want. So right, look, if you're thinking about your future, if you're thinking about what you want to contribute as a service to the world, right, that's what it comes down to, as you serve people and operating in that, that, you know, God given gift, then, is like the question and the things that you start to reevaluate, even based off of your passion, because your passion, like it may start to feel work if you don't figure out how you're going to operate in that service. Right, do some way to your lifestyle, right. And I think one of the things that's been on my heart lately as to as well, is the financial stability and the things that we're doing as a body of people, and making sure that we're moving forward in a way that we, we have the thought process of being responsible and being able to leave something behind and take care of these American debts. Because when I'm traveling, people say, you know, they look at me and think, oh, you're rich, or they look at Americans and speak so bad, as if, you know, we're rich and this and other, when in actuality because of school because of different things. It's like no baby, you you've got more money to

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